ARC Reviews

ARC Review: Finally Fitz by Marisa Kanter

Finally Fitz by Marisa Kanter is straight up delightful. It is full of fun, interesting, and well-developed characters. The story is engaging and uses tropes well. It is one of those books that is guaranteed to leave you smiling. I am a huge fan of both second chance romance and friends to lovers as tropes,…

ARC Review: Director’s Cut by Carlyn Greenwald

I loved Carlyn Greenwald’s last book, Sizzle Reel, and I was so excited to continue reading about the journey of these characters. While Sizzle Reel is focused on Luna, she becomes a side character in Director’s Cut in order for Greenwald to tell Valeria’s story. I am a musical theater nerd, and I had so…

ARC Review: The Perfect Guy Doesn’t Exist by Sophie Gonzales

The premise of The Perfect Guy Doesn’t Exist immediately intrigued me. I mean, what teenager wouldn’t want the chance to get to meet their favorite television character? It is just as fun as I hoped. The Perfect Guy Doesn’t Exist is not just a run of the mill romance novel. One might expect it to…

Review: Fangirl Down by Tessa Bailey

Tessa Bailey is unequivocally the romance queen. I have read and enjoyed many of her books over the years. Fangirl Down is not my favorite of her books, but I enjoyed it. I am a big fan of the grumpy sunshine trope, and Fangirl Down does it very well. Josephine is an enthusiastic fan of…


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